Europalab Devices produces a LoRaWAN transmitting client node, specialised for higher research of actuator and sensor assisted IoT networks.
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94 lines

  1. ##
  2. ## Ignore Microchip Studio temporary files and build results
  3. ##
  4. # User-specific files
  5. *.rsuser
  6. *.suo
  7. *.user
  8. *.userosscache
  9. *.sln.docstates
  10. # Build results
  11. [Dd]ebug/
  12. [Dd]ebugPublic/
  13. [Rr]elease/
  14. [Rr]eleases/
  15. x64/
  16. x86/
  17. [Ww][Ii][Nn]32/
  18. [Aa][Rr][Mm]/
  19. [Aa][Rr][Mm]64/
  20. bld/
  21. [Bb]in/
  22. [Oo]bj/
  23. [Ll]og/
  24. [Ll]ogs/
  25. # Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory
  26. .vs/
  27. # Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files
  28. Generated\ Files/
  29. # Files built by Visual Studio
  30. *_i.c
  31. *_p.c
  32. *_h.h
  33. *.ilk
  34. *.meta
  35. *.obj
  36. *.iobj
  37. *.pch
  38. *.pdb
  39. *.ipdb
  40. *.pgc
  41. *.pgd
  42. *.rsp
  43. *.sbr
  44. *.tlb
  45. *.tli
  46. *.tlh
  47. *.tmp
  48. *.tmp_proj
  49. *_wpftmp.csproj
  50. *.log
  51. *.vspscc
  52. *.vssscc
  53. .builds
  54. *.pidb
  55. *.svclog
  56. *.scc
  57. # Visual C++ cache files
  58. ipch/
  59. *.aps
  60. *.ncb
  61. *.opendb
  62. *.opensdf
  63. *.sdf
  64. *.cachefile
  65. *.VC.db
  66. *.VC.VC.opendb
  67. # Visual Studio profiler
  68. *.psess
  69. *.vsp
  70. *.vspx
  71. *.sap
  72. # Visual Studio Trace Files
  73. *.e2e
  74. # Visual Studio cache files
  75. # files ending in .cache can be ignored
  76. *.[Cc]ache
  77. # but keep track of directories ending in .cache
  78. !?*.[Cc]ache/
  79. # Local History for Visual Studio
  80. .localhistory/
  81. # Backup folder for VC 2017 Package Reference Convert tool
  82. MigrationBackup/