Europalab Devices produces a LoRaWAN transmitting client node, specialised for higher research of actuator and sensor assisted IoT networks.
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  1. // Configure reset on GPIO-26(Pin-37)
  2. // Unknown if pullup works on output?
  3. // Note: Until its know how to set a
  4. // inital output value (to HIGH)
  5. // then we must initalise for input
  6. //
  7. /dts-v1/;
  8. /plugin/;
  9. // /* brcm,function property */
  10. // #define BCM2835_FSEL_GPIO_IN 0
  11. // #define BCM2835_FSEL_GPIO_OUT 1
  12. // #define BCM2835_FSEL_ALT5 2
  13. // #define BCM2835_FSEL_ALT4 3
  14. // #define BCM2835_FSEL_ALT0 4
  15. // #define BCM2835_FSEL_ALT1 5
  16. // #define BCM2835_FSEL_ALT2 6
  17. // #define BCM2835_FSEL_ALT3 7
  18. //
  19. // /* brcm,pull property */
  20. // #define BCM2835_PUD_OFF 0
  21. // #define BCM2835_PUD_DOWN 1
  22. // #define BCM2835_PUD_UP 2
  23. / {
  24. //compatible = "brcm,bcm2835";
  25. //compatible = "brcm,bcm2708,bcm2835";
  26. fragment@0 {
  27. target = <&gpio>;
  28. __overlay__ {
  29. status = "okay";
  30. gpclk2_gpio26: gpclk2_gpio26 {
  31. brcm,pins = <26>;
  32. //brcm,function = <1>; // BCM2835_FSEL_GPIO_OUT 1
  33. brcm,function = <0>; // BCM2835_FSEL_GPIO_IN 0
  34. //brcm,value = <1>; // This may not work?
  35. //brcm,state = <1>; // This may not work?
  36. //brcm,pull = <0>; // Pullup not possible out?
  37. brcm,pull = <2>; // BCM2835_PUD_UP 2
  38. };
  39. };
  40. };
  41. };