Europalab Devices produces a LoRaWAN transmitting client node, specialised for higher research of actuator and sensor assisted IoT networks.
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99 lines

  1. Release Engineering Checklist
  2. Do the following to create a new release, in 8-10 hours duration.
  3. Sources
  4. Update copyrights
  5. Update versions
  6. Update dates
  7. Strip frame, tabs, and save dscomm-tmpl.kicad_pcb
  8. Update dscomm-frame.kicad_pcb for integration
  9. Delete logic from dscomm-panel.kicad_pcb
  10. Append logic from dscomm-tmpl.kicad_pcb
  11. Rework copper pours, planes, and tabs
  12. Append dscomm-panel.kicad_pcb to dscomm-stencil.kicad_pcb
  13. Remove paste definitions selectively (from mount holes)
  14. Hard Copy
  15. Plot schematic to dscomm-sch.pdf
  16. Plot layout to fabsingle files
  17. Use gs(1) to combine files [1]
  18. Review dscomm-brd.pdf for pdfmarks
  19. Update the bill of materials FODS
  20. Use librewriter(1) for dscomm-bill.pdf
  21. Online PDF compression is not helpful
  22. [1] gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dAutoRotatePages=/None -sOutputFile=dscomm-brd.pdf dscomm-F_Cu.pdf dscomm-F_Fab.pdf dscomm-F_Mask.pdf dscomm-F_Paste.pdf dscomm-F_SilkS.pdf dscomm-In1_Cu.pdf dscomm-In2_Cu.pdf dscomm-B_Cu.pdf dscomm-B_Fab.pdf dscomm-B_Mask.pdf dscomm-B_Paste.pdf dscomm-B_SilkS.pdf dscomm-Cmts_User.pdf dscomm-Dwgs_User.pdf dscomm-Edge_Cuts.pdf dscomm-pdfmarks
  23. EEPROM
  24. Review programdat.txt for up to date accuracy
  25. Update 'product_ver 0x0002' to reflect 'REL_2'
  26. Use EEPROM tools to generate a new database [2]
  27. [2] dtc -I dts -O dtb -o programrst.dtb programrst.dts
  28. [2] eepmake programdat.txt programdat.eep programrst.dts
  29. Firmware
  30. Review firmware changes
  31. Build solution binaries
  32. Collect with program*.eep/dtb
  33. Package to DSCommFW-X.X.X.tar.xz
  34. DSCommFW-X.X.X/Debug/SendcommCmdsys-dbg.bin
  35. DSCommFW-X.X.X/Debug/SendcommPeer2P-dbg.bin
  36. DSCommFW-X.X.X/Debug/SendcommLWOTAA-dbg.bin
  37. DSCommFW-X.X.X/Debug/SendcommHellow-dbg.bin
  38. DSCommFW-X.X.X/Release/SendcommPeer2P-rel.bin
  39. DSCommFW-X.X.X/Release/SendcommCmdsys-rel.bin
  40. DSCommFW-X.X.X/Release/SendcommHellow-rel.bin
  41. DSCommFW-X.X.X/Release/SendcommLWOTAA-rel.bin
  42. Manufacturing
  43. Review the bill of materials for up to date accuracy
  44. Generate Excellon drills and Gerber layers for the panel *
  45. Generate Excellon drills and Gerber layers for the foil
  46. Set placement origin of layout to reflect 0,0 on corner
  47. Generate CSV placements for raw, import, and machine use
  48. Edit CSV placements to prepare for machine importing
  49. Add a machine import header
  50. Replace all 'top' with 'T'
  51. Replace all commas with periods
  52. Replace '270' with '-90' degrees
  53. Replace all trailing '00' strings
  54. Remove THT and most virtual parts
  55. Round up and down four figure locations
  56. sed(1) ' \([0-9][^\.][^\.\ ]*\.[0-9][0-9]\)00/ \1'
  57. Review completeness replacements /\.[0-9][0-9][0-9]
  58. Replace 'X_0805_2012Metric' with '0805'
  59. Abbreviate as many columns as possible
  60. Move fiducial marks to the bottom
  61. Rearrange order of designators
  62. Choose appropriate starting chip
  63. Multiply axis positions three times **
  64. Reorder columns according to machine **
  65. Replace space characters with one comma **
  66. ** sed(1) '^\([^\ ][^\ ]*\)\ \ *\([^\ ][^\ ]*\)\ \ *\([^\ ][^\ ]*\)\ \ *\([^\ ][^\ ]*\)\ \ *\([^\ ][^\ ]*\)\ \ *\([^\ ][^\ ]*\)\ \ *\([^\ ][^\ ]*\)$/\1,\3,\4,\5,\4,\5,\4,\5,\7,\6,\2'
  67. Compress * manufacturing archives to DSCommFab-X.X.X.tar.xz
  68. Compress foil stencil variant to DSCommStenc-X.X.X.tar.xz
  69. Last step verifications
  70. Before commiting tags and release, upload to board fabricator.
  71. Await clearance pending data preparation before continuing.
  72. Git Repository
  73. Edit the project change log 'CHANGELOG'
  74. Create and push the annotated tag [3][4]
  75. Click to release /dsendcomm/releases/new/
  76. Edit title /dsendcomm/releases/edit/REL_X/
  77. Edit 'Description and 'Assets' subtitles
  78. Edit 'Tickets' completed since last release
  79. [3] git tag -a REL_X <1234abc> -m 'Release to manufacturing before the new year holidays.'
  80. [4] git push origin REL_X